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Québec, January 26, 2007 – At the request of Mr. Claude Béchard, Minister of Sustainable Development, Environment and Parks, the Bureau d’audiences publiques sur l’environnement (BAPE) is today releasing its public hearing report on the Projet decontournement sud de l’agglomération de Sherbrooke dans le prolongement de l’autoroute 410. This public hearing mandate began on September 5, 2006. The commission in charge of examining the project was chaired by Ms. Lucie Bigué, assisted by Mr. Jacques Pelletier, commissioner.

The commission has approved the project because it would entail advantages from a road safety standpoint by providing a solution to the high traffic flows on Autoroute 410 and boulevard de l’Université, as well as to the density of heavy traffic in the urbanized core of Lennoxville. Moreover, this project is in keeping with the planning of the road network of the Ministère des Transports and reflects the will expressed on numerous occasions by municipal representatives.

According to the commission, the B-south alternative should not be chosen by the Ministère des Transports in the western sector of the study area, due notably to its impacts on the human environment. Instead, the commission believes that the A-north route should be optimized to reduce the encroachment on Ferme Sainte-Catherine in order to maintain the viability of this enterprise. For this purpose, it might be necessary to move a portion of this route further to the North and to replace the planned interchange at Route 216 with an interchange at Chemin Dunant giving access, from the eastern side, to Université de Sherbrooke. In addition to providing a new access to this university institution, the modified A-north route would better meet the needs of the community by ensuring notably the tranquility of residents living alongside certain local arteries and by enhancing road services for neighbouring quarries.

Availability of the report

The public hearing report on the Projet decontournement sud de l’agglomération de Sherbrooke dans le prolongement de l’autoroute 410 is now available. It may be consulted at the documentation centres of the BAPE, at the consultation centres opened in the community in question, as well as on the web site of the BAPE at You can also request a copy from the office of the BAPE, either by sending an e-mail to, or by dialing 418 643-7447 or, toll-free, 1 800 463-4732.

It should be recalled that the commission held three public sessions during the first part of the public hearing and four public sessions during the second part, all in Sherbrooke. The commission received 102 briefs and heard 3 oral presentations from individuals, groups, organizations and municipalities interested in this project.


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Source: Danielle Hawey
Communications Advisor
418 643-7447 or 1 800 463-4732, extension 533


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