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The BAPE commission makes public the changes to the project submitted
by the Ministère des Transports

Québec, September 7, 2005 . – The commission of the Bureau d’audiences publiques sur l’environnement (BAPE) in charge of conducting an investigation and consulting the public on the project to improve ground transportation infrastructures near Montréal-Trudeau Airport today made public the changes that the Ministère de Transports is making to the project submitted for analysis.

According to the Ministère des Transports, following a safety audit related to the new geometry proposed for the sector and a revision of the layout of the railway line, the proponent and its partners, the City of Montréal, the Borough of Dorval–L’Île de Dorval and Aéroports de Montréal have made adjustments to the concept already proposed in the impact study on the project to improve ground transportation infrastructures near Montréal-Trudeau Airport. Moreover, according to the proponent, the updated evaluation of the project’s costs stands at $150 million.

Railway line

According to the Ministère des Transports, the preliminary results of the studies pertaining to the railway line revealed that two tracks, instead of one, would be required to ensure the smooth operation of the new railway line.

Moreover, contrary to the initial layout planned to the south of the existing railway lines, the new right-of-way would be north of these lines and would eliminate the need to build a tunnel for the passage of trains headed for the airport. Still according to the Ministère des Transports, this situation would permit the construction of a new access ramp from Autoroute 20 (originating from downtown) to the airport in the form of an elevated structure rather than a tunnel.

Safety elements

The changes that ensue from the safety audit concern notably, the redevelopment of the intersection of Avenue Cardinal and Avenue Michel-Jasmin, the addition of lanes on the future local roads in the bus terminal sector, access to Autoroute 20 West, as well as the right lane of Autoroute 20.

To learn more, follow-up information on the impact study bearing reference number DA1 and explaining the changes to the project and their impacts is available at the BAPE office in Québec City , the Central Library of Université du Québec à Montréal, as well as at the following two locations:

  • Dorval Municipal Library, 1401, Lakeshore Road , Montréal (with free Internet access) ;
  • Dorval/L’Île- Dorval borough office, 60, Martin Avenue , Montréal.

You can also have access to this follow-up information on the BAPE web site at the following address:

The first part of the public hearing on the project to improve ground transportation infrastructures near Montréal-Trudeau Airport will begin at 7 p.m. on September14, 2005 at the Grand Salon Room of the Hilton Montréal Aéroport, located at 12505, Côte-de-Liesse in Montréal.

The sessions will continue on the following days, depending on the needs of the public and the commission. Please note that a simultaneous translation service will be offered during these sessions.

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Source: Rosemary Al-Hayek, Communications Advisor
Information: Louise Bourdages, Communications Advisor
(418) 643-7447, extension 532 or 1 800 463-4732, extension 532


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