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Sylvie Girard Chairwoman

Mrs. Girard, who holds a bachelor’s degree in fine arts from Université Laval, worked in the cultural arena for more than a decade. After many years in the private sector, her career took her to Délégation Générale du Québec à Paris, where she was responsible for developing markets linked to the cultural industries. Political Advisor in the Office of the Minister of Culture et Communications and then Director of the Offices of the Ministers of Tourisme, Revenu and Industrie, Commerce, Sciences et Technologies, Mrs. Girard is experienced in management, legislation, negotiation and mediation involving private, public and association representatives.
Joining the BAPE in 2000, Mrs. Girard has chaired two commissions—one studying the proposed construction of the Mercier hydroelectric power plant in Grand-Remous and, quite recently, one mandated to hold public hearings on the proposed bypassing of road 117 in Annonciation. She has also been a commissioner for various different projects in the context of five public hearings.
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Bertrand Bouchard Commissioner

A professional engineer specializing in hydrology and hydraulics, Mr. Bouchard worked first for the ministère des Richesses naturelles as a project manager in the field of hydraulics, and then, for the ministère de l’Environnement, where he headed the departments of reservoirs management, dams safety and water systems management.
Mr. Bouchard was also involved in the work of the Montreal Area Regulation Committee and the Ottawa River Regulation Planning Commission. He was a member of the International Great Lakes Diversions and Consumptive Uses, a study board of the International Joint Commission, and a member of the Kativik Environmental Quality Commission. An environmental consultant since 1997, Mr. Bouchard has been a part-time BAPE member since September 2002.
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