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Québec, February 18th, 2008 – The Bureau d’audiences publiques sur l’environnement (BAPE) is holding an information session on the Projet de correction de la côte de Black Rock à Blanc-Sablon. This session, which the proponent will be attending, will be hosted by a representative of the BAPE and will be held on February 20th, 2008, beginning at 7:30 p.m., at salle municipale de Blanc-Sablon, 1149, boulevard Docteur-Camille-Marcoux. The purpose of the information session is to allow citizens to obtain information on the project, the environmental impact assessment study and review procedure, the public consultation process, as well as the role of the BAPE. This information session is being held as part of the mandate entrusted to the BAPE by Madam Line Beauchamp, Minister of Sustainable Development Environment and Parks. The BAPE must make available to the public the impact assessment study and entire file related to the project. The public information and consultation period began on January, 15th, 2008 and will end on February 29th, 2008.

It is during this 45-day period that citizens, groups, municipalities or organizations can submit a request for public hearing to the Minister of Sustainable Development Environment and Parks. If necessary, a commission of the BAPE could be mandated to make inquiry on the project and to consult the public on this subject.

Citizens can learn more about the project by consulting the impact assessment study prepared by the proponent and the other documents describing the project and, among other things, its repercussions on the environment. These documents can be consulted until February 29th, 2008, at the BAPE office in Québec, at Bibliothèque centrale de l’Université du Québec à Montréal, as well as on the BAPE website at, under the heading “Mandats en cours”. The entire file is also available at the Caisse populaire Desjardins de Blanc-Sablon, 1056, boulevard Docteur-Camille-Marcoux in Blanc-Sablon.

Citizens are invited to examine the file, to act as experts in their community by underscoring the issues related to the project, to ask questions during the information session, and to record their comments in the registers opened for this purpose at the consultation centres.

Any person, group, organization or municipality wishing to obtain additional information or clarifications, to obtain the opinion of experts on the project or to make known their opinions and position regarding the project can submit a request for public hearing during the public information and consultation period. This request must be sent in writing no later than February 29th, 2008 to Madam Line Beauchamp, Minister of Sustainable Development Environment and Parks, 675, boulevard René-Lévesque Est, 30e étage, Québec (Québec) G1R 5V7. The applicant must indicate the reasons for his request and his interest in relation to the milieu affected by the project.

The BAPE is a public information and consultation body that allows citizens to express themselves on a project and to intervene in the decision-making process leading to the authorization or denial of a project. The BAPE carries out the mandates that it receives from the Minister of Sustainable Development, Environment and Parks, notably the public information and consultation mandate lasting 45 days and the public hearing mandate lasting a maximum of 4 months.

The Ministère des Transports plans to correct a 1.9 km stretch of the portion of Route 138 located to the east of the Municipality of Blanc-Sablon and which would extend to Labrador over an approximate distance of 400 m, in the undivided Township of Brest. The work would consist of correcting the non-compliant curves and reducing the slopes. The pavement would have a total width of 6.6 metres with paved shoulders measuring 2 m. Asphalt-covered curbs and guard rails would be installed at the locations where they are required. This stretch of the road would then meet the design and safety standards of a collector road having a posted speed of 80 km/h. The carrying out of this project implies the acquisition of small strips of private land. However, no home would be acquired or expropriated. The new route would also necessitate the relocation of two lines, namely a power line and a telephone line, as well as the relocation of the scenic outlook located to the west of the border on the south side of Route 138, towards the gulf, approximately 30 to 50 metres further south. Globally, all of the existing accesses would remain at their current location but would, however, be laid out according to the new profile of the road.

The Department envisages carrying out this work in 2008 or 2009. The total cost of the work is evaluated at $4.7 million.

Repercussions anticipated by the proponent and mitigation measures proposed in the impact study

According to the impact study, most of the negative repercussions would be associated with the construction phase. They would involve, among other things, vehicle and machinery traffic as well as excavation and blasting work, which would result in noise, dust and pollutant gas emissions. The proponent specifies that the mitigation measures integrated in the call-for-tender documents and in the environmental monitoring program would guarantee the absence of significant residual repercussions. However, the carrying out of the project would affect variable stretches of private land which would have to be acquired by the Ministère des Transports. As the sector of Route 138 to the east of Blanc-Sablon is prone to avalanches, a study is currently under way to develop, based on digital modeling, the most appropriate mitigation measures making it possible to reduce the effects of the winds as well as snow accumulation on the road.

The effect of the project would be to make road traffic safer for the region’s population and for Labrador residents who come take the ferry to Newfoundland.

Persons wishing to obtain more information can get in touch with Madam Louise Bourdages at 418 643- 7447 or toll-free, at 1 800 463-4732 extension  532, or by e-mail at the following address:

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Source: Louise Bourdages
Communications advisor

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